Quick Fix: Office 2019 Volume License ODT Error

Spent too long troubleshooting this, because I, like most men, do not read the manual.

Trying to deploy Office 2019 Standard Volume License using the ODT. Using a config file I created at config.office.com. After running the setup.exe /configure configure.xml command you receive an error saying unable to download a required file or similar.

Solution – remove en-GB from your list of languages.

en-GB is only supported in builds newer than 2108 and Office 2019 is currently on build 1808.

It says it here, I just didn’t think to check because I was using the Config tool to build the file.

Lesson learned.

Office 365 Password Policy returns Empty Values in PowerShell

o365-logo1Regular readers will be aware of a script I wrote some time ago to remind people to change their password, sending them an email when it was due to be changed. I wanted to extend this up to Office 365 but at the time, when I checked it out the relevant data was not exposed by using the Get-MSOLPasswordPolicy cmdlet. Or so I thought.

Whilst chatting with co-conspirator Tim Barrett yesterday he sent me a link to Spice Works where someone named bbeckers had indeed published a modified version of my original script that was talking to Office 365, and, to my surprise was dated back in 2016.

Of course I wanted to try it out, but on my production tenant, the information returned from Get-MSOLPasswordPolicy was an error saying ‘You do not have permission to call this cmdlet’

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Windows Server Essentials Connector An Unexpected Error Occurred

mslogo1Just recently i decided to rebuild my lab setup, which sits on a physical server in my office.

Unfortunately after painstakingly moving VHDs around my system to adjust disk space and rebuild arrays, i managed to format the wrong disk and lost it all! Being a lab setup i had not backed any of it up either.

Not the end of the world of course, more annoyed with myself than worried about the test VMs i lost.

Anyway, i noticed a thread in the TechNet forum (at least two actually) mentioning slow network performance with WIndows 10 after the latest update, and that removing the Essentials connector would remedy it.

So i set about building a Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials VM and a Windows 10 client. When trying to launch the connector I received this error:

An Error Occurred

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Quick Fix: Fortinet SSLVPN 98% Error Unable to Establish the Connection

photoThis one puzzled me for several hours this week. After making some changes to the structured cabling we were alerted to an issue preventing SSLVPNs from connecting.

Anyone attempting to connect saw the progress stop at 98% received an error similar to :

Unable to establish the VPN Connection (E=98,T-981066010,M99,R10)

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WSUS 2012 R2 and Windows 10 1703

DKIMI have been working on WSUS and Windows 10 for the last few days, following some rather annoying updates to newly deployed Surface Pro devices, and more importantly a grumbling comment from a co-worker ‘can’t we automate this stuff anymore?’.

Well i have to say that was the final straw. Windows 10 and WSUS has been a pain for me since it was released.

With hotfixes, tweaks and dances required and failing to get Windows 10 talking and working with WSUS consistently it perhaps was no surprise that i had opted to point 10 directly to Windows update and only control the schedule and ring, rather than the more traditional granular approach taken with Windows 7 and 8.

So, Yes, the answer is we should be able to manage patching with Windows 10.

Yes, we are going to manage it.

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Update to Windows Management Framework 5.1 on Windows 7

mslogo3Over the weekend i read this article about PowerShell Security in the Enterprise. I decided whilst reading it, i should probably make sure my clients machines have the latest WMF installed.

Assuming this was just a KB article i searched WSUS for KB and found nothing. Reading the blog article about the 5.1 release and then the Install and Configure guidance, we see that WMF 5.1 is released to Windows 7, but, manual steps are required to install it.

The download comes as a ZIP file with a PowerShell script (Install-WMF5.1.ps1) and an MSU for the architecture of the PC.

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Quick Fix: Enable DKIM for Office 365

DKIMIf you have been following some of my recent posts you’ll know i have been talking about Office 365 and Exchange Online and how you can tweak the settings to better secure your mail.

One of the steps for that is to setup DKIM. For Office 365 this requires two CNAME records to be published in your public DNS.

The problem i was having when setting up a new client, was knowing what the CNAME should be set to.

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