Connect Page Error Essentials 2016 Upgrade

mslogoThis post comes as a follow up to this thread opened in the TechNet forum.

It seems after an in place upgrade from Essentials 2012 R2 that some things don’t function as expected.

When you visit http://server/connect you are presented with an error.

connect error

Viewing the same path from the server desktop you get the corresponding error.

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Windows Server 2016 Essentials GA Announced

LogoWith the fanfare we have come to expect for all things Essentials, it came as no surprise that the GA announcement of this much maligned product was whispered out in the latest SBS Blog Post.

Don’t get me wrong, Essentials as a product has it’s faults, but to me this feels a lot like the way the NHS is being defunded, someone sooner or later is going to claim it didn’t work out, when very little seems to be being done to ensure its success. Anyway enough of that.

So what’s new in Essentials 2016?  Read more of this post

Essentials Server PCI Compliance and TLS 1.0

I recently wrote some articles for Third Tier regarding Essentials Servers and TLS 1.0, so if you are looking for guidance on what to do or how to do it, or even what happens when you have found out what to do and then done it. Look no further than the Third Tier blog.

If you are also interested in SBS 2011 Standard, well then take a look at this.

Windows 7 VSS Error–Essentials Backups Failed

WindowsVistaBackupIconThis issue came up on our own internal accounts machine, so it was pretty critical to get it resolved.

Seemingly out of the blue, the machine decided to stop backing up. There was nothing particularly helpful in the logs on the Essentials Server. Checking the logs on the client itself revealed a string of VSS related errors.

I decided to abandon the Client PC backup at this point, because if the underlying cause was VSS, then what we need to do was fix VSS and then this would also fix the client backups. Read more of this post

Quick Fix: Essentials Connector Install Fails after Windows 10 Rollback

metroI was helping a friend with some Essentials Connector install issues last night. One of the clients was a Windows 7 Pro machine, that had recently been rolled back from Windows 10. On this network the Server was a Windows Home Server 2011, and the connector had been working fine following the upgrade to Windows 10. After the roll back, the backups stopped working, so my friend decided to uninstall the connector and reinstall.

This is when he discovered he could not reinstall the connector. It would get to around 99.9% complete, and even appear in the dashboard, but at the last second the progress bar would start going back to the start and we would see an error on the Connector install screen.

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Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 – Windows 10

logoMicrosoft published a helpful blog post and table of the various Client OSs supported by the various Essentials Server versions, and any known issues or workarounds required to get them to work.

I just want to focus on Windows 10 and in a little more detail. In this post we will just be looking at Windows 10 and Server 2012 R2 Essentials.

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Windows Server 2012 Essentials–Windows 10

logo_thumb1Microsoft published a helpful blog post and table of the various Client OSs supported by the various Essentials Server versions, and any known issues or workarounds required to get them to work.

Today, i am focussing on 2012 Essentials, and Windows 10. Read more of this post